VIRGO’s Bali water sport icon “the Fly Fish”

Fly fish, The most challenging and fully adrenaline Bali water sport
Fly fish is the icon of Water sport in Bali, Released in year 2005 and it has become the most favorite water sport activities in Tanjung Benoa Beach Bali. It is really flying
and keep straight flying.
Support with 200 PK speed boat and an excellent instructor will control this huge rubber to keep it fly up to 5-7 meters from the sea level.
Try this with us only at VIRGO Bali water sport and scuba diving company!
Let,s test your adrenaline and scream your self  loudly


Durations 2 Rounds (10 minutes)
Capacities 2 persons | 1 instructor
Age allowed Above 10 years old
Maximum body weight 70-100 Kgs/person
Remarks Not recommended for pregnancy women,Having no serious disease or injuries

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